Twenty-three years have passed since he was adopted and found a safe haven among the Unicorns. Pandor – Wandering the edges of the wastelands – sees a lone Dragon being cornered and outnumbered in a skirmish with a Molgar hunting party. He immediately comes to her aid. Together they manage to ward them off and she introduces herself as Tayla, living on the once so great Aenoor mountains. It’s the beginning of a life-long friendship.
i – unfair
As I cross the western arid plains, A noise draws my attention to a canyon floor.
There’s Molgar cornering a Dragon fair, Outnumbered she can’t escape unscathed.
I act on instinct jump into the fray, Together we can send these Molgar on their way.
She fights aggressive, skilful moves repel, Blows from many angles meant to kill.
ii – the fight
Here we are strangers to one another – A nemesis from the deep we take on.
I am Tayla from Aenoors great mountains – Defending all that is left of our race.
Our Kingdom once mighty and bright – Scorn by forces of darkness and fear.
Let us now dissolve this here conflict – Side by side we’ll vanquish it’s cause.
Pandor & Tayla:
Cowards seek out the weak or the single – An easy target to pester and maim.
Hard the lesson today they’ll be learning : The circle closes on their own demise.
iii – the acquaintance
I am Pandor from the Glynyd plains, my roots were severed by this violent race.
They’ve killed my family before my birth, My future stolen by a heinous act.
But fate did smile and sent along, One meek and pure from the healers clan.
She turned the tables on a certain end, And raising me amongst her own.
The tale you tell I know all too well, My world destroyed leaving me alone.
Among our own an infant still, Their efforts keeping me away from harm.
Taught me history and battle skills, Awoke the spirits revealing me
The sacred values of life itself, A code to live by just and wise.
The search of my descent has led me here, I wish to learn about my race.
My guardian has told me all she knows, but many things left unexplained.
Questions haunt me, leave me restless, Demanding answers and be resolved.
I want to find out who I am, To be complete to be at peace.
Then come with me I can teach you all, you will not find any answers here.
High in the mountains thought destroyed, Our secrets lie safe and guarded well.
I’ll take you there so you can learn, About our ways and our legacy.
When all the parts fall into place, Your quest is over, you’re home.